Daughters of Penelope attendees at 2024 Fall Conference at Holy Cross Church at Belmont, CA
Newly elected District 21 officers
Yuri Pauls District Treasurer, Athena Hallock District Governor,
Laurie Sahines District Secretary and Sophia Fonti District Marshal
Alicia Frangos (PDG District 21 and District MOA Advisor), Marianthi Treppiedi ( DOP Supreme President),
Sophia Fonti ( District 21 Marshal), and Athena Hallock (District 21 Governor).
District 21 Sisters with Marianthi Treppiedi Supreme Grand President and Christie Finch
Grand Governor Zone lll
Past District 21 Governor scholarship award
Hellenism, the culture, ideals, and pattern of life of ancient Greece in classical times. It usually means primarily the culture of Athens and the related cities during the Age of Pericles.
AHEPA family's commitment to education has been well documented throughout its history. Over $4 million is endowed at the local, district and national levels toward the use of scholarships and a half-million dollars is awarded annually.
The Daughters of Penelope selected three mandatory projects and four voluntary charitable projects National Obligations year.
The Daughters of Penelope embarks on a civic responsibility campaign in the effort to encourage its members to participate in civics as part of the organization's overall mission.